Advertiser Saturday Cryptic cancelled

If you’ve been doing The Adelaide Advertiser crosswords during the week, you probably guessed that my Saturday cryptic would be affected. Due to changes by News Ltd that impacted the puzzles all four metro papers, The Adelaide Advertiser Saturday cryptic by David Stickley will no longer be published.

I’ve had a great time (hopefully) entertaining you and will miss not writing one of the few, new, Australian, 15×15 cryptics in News Ltd publications.

Unfortunately, this loss, along with others associated with this change, means my crossword business is no longer viable. I was able to turn a hobby into a business, but publishing has changed, and it’s time to move on. Some work remains and will continue, but not enough to make ends meet. I want to thank you, the solvers, for coming along with me on an amazing journey, and News Ltd for giving me the unique opportunity to earn a living from just writing crosswords.

I’m faced with a career change at 51, with crossword-compiling skills and rusty IT skills to offer. I’m methodical and a stickler (don’t you know it!). If anyone out there has a job for me, I’m up for just about anything (contact me).

Many thanks to all,

David Stickley

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20 Responses to Advertiser Saturday Cryptic cancelled

  1. GSatchell says:

    This is a very sad announcement and the situation should never have been allowed to occur.. though I realise readership is diminishing .. I have looked forward to the challenge of the Saturday cryptic for many years. Very best wishes and my sympathy to David Stickley… I wish I could help.

  2. David Queale says:

    I also have looked forward to the challenge of the Saturday cryptic for many years. On various occasions I have been frustrated, annoyed and amused by your clues but always managed to get them out by the following Saturday. The weekend will not now be the same. Thanks for the ride!

  3. Roland Howard says:

    Your crosswords are the reason for our Saturday advertiser subscription. Set up a pay crossword web site and we will transfer our subscription. It will at least give a whetstone for your rusty skills.

  4. Julia Pannell says:

    Your cryptic crossword was my weekend treat. The new one is pathetic.

    • K Mercer says:

      I have to agree, I used to love the Saturday cryptic crossword. The new one is for children – mainly simple anagrams. Awful.

  5. David Newsome says:

    I totally agree Julia. The new cryptic crossword is pathetic. A big thank you to David for challenging me every weekend. The Adelaide Advertiser has just lost a customer. I’ll stick with Christine Lovatt from now on.

  6. Tony Dirrmann says:

    I concur with all the previous comments. Your Saturday crossword was the highlight of my weekend! The current puzzles can be completed prior to breakfast by anyone with a modicum of knowledge! I feel I have lost a true friend. My subscription to both Adelaide papers has been cancelled. Please publish a new book of puzzles. I wish you all the best.

  7. Wendy Simpson says:

    I agree with all the above comments-if it ain’t broke don’t fix it! Saturdays will not be the same without the challenge of your cryptic crossword. I used it as a mental challenge to keep my brain active and stimulated. I will not buy Saturdays Advertiser now-I can get the news from TV and internet!
    I wish you well for the future and wish I could help.

  8. Helen and Tom Marshall says:

    We will be complaining very loudly to the Advertiser! Our Saturday morning ritual was to photocopy your cryptic and have a friendly competition over numerous cups of tea. This week it was all over before the first cuppa was finished. Hopefully if enough of us complain we might get our crossword back?

  9. angela says:

    have just complained very forcefully to the advertiser by phone and email why get rid of something so many enjoy will not be getting the sat paper now can you let us know where we can buy your crossword books as i will need something to fill the hole

  10. Kate says:

    Hi David,

    I made a Saturday morning ritual of purchasing The Advertiser just to do your cryptic crossword. I’d sit in the sun with a cup of tea and work on (and often laugh at) your witty clues, barely glancing at the remainder of the newspaper. When I bought my paper this Saturday I gasped with disappointment.

    Thank you for all the entertainment you’ve given me! Your crossword will be sorely missed.

    (Hell, you don’t have any old ones I could attempt, do you? I’m totally addicted…)

  11. David Stickley says:

    Thanks everyone for your support and encouragement.

    I’m not sure if News Ltd people view this site, so please contact them through or on 1300 360 918 and let them know how you feel, if you haven’t already.


    David Stickley

  12. John Bartram says:

    Hi David
    We are very sad at hearing this news. Your cryptic has held our family together over many years, and over many ‘000s of miles some years as they were mailed to us.
    We have added our voice of criticism to the Advertiser’s shortsighted decision and if nothing changes, we will at least cancel our paper.

  13. Dick & Rosemary O'Neill says:

    Our every Saturday morning has been enhanced by your puzzle for years. So disappointing and short sighted on the part of The Advertiser.

    Perhaps you could publish elsewhere – We would happily subscribe.

    All the best for the future

  14. angela says:

    dear everyone all is not lost take out a subscription to the saturday australian financial review as david still does a xword in that and cancel the advertiser

  15. Robert Balic says:

    Sorry to everyone. I enjoyed doing the quick crossword in the messenger so I wrote to the editor with some cryptic clues to go with them. No reply but the next thing I know, the crossword was replaced by a much easier one.

    Then the only reason that I bought the Advertiser was replaced!

    I guess News is being filled up with sow ears who find that the cryptic crosswords are reminding them that they aren’t silk purses.

  16. Stephanie Page says:

    Hi David I’ve just returned from 10 weeks overseas to see that the Independent crossword during the week, and yours on Saturdays, have been removed from the Advertiser. There is simply no reason to buy the Advertiser any more. It will be the Age for us from now on over the weekends. Yours has always been my favourite. Thank you for keeping me going while overseas with your autographed puzzle book, and for all the enjoyment I have got out of your Saturday puzzle over many years. If you go on line or publish anywhere else I’d love to know. The standard of newspapers in this country is abysmal. With their spelling and grammar getting worse by the day there’s no wonder they don’t appreciate a cryptic crossword. The ones they are using are a joke!! Except that at least one can enjoy a joke.

  17. Beth Harfield says:

    I agree with all the above comments. At the time of the Advertiser revamp we cancelled our subscription and voiced our disapproval by phone and email. I’m lost on Saturday without the crossword.

  18. Beth Harfield says:

    Thank you so much David for your reply. You have made my day. I will enjoy the Stickler. Thanks again.