The Stickler Alphanumeric Jigsaw 2

Here’s a crossword I put together about a while back to follow up a very early puzzle with the same theme. It’s again an alphabetical jigsaw with a twist – ten extra clues this time starting with a letter, letters or a word suggested by numbers.

Due to its nature, it’s only available in PDF format. There are no clue hints for this one – you’ll have to fly solo.

Download it here:

Alphanumeric Jigsaw 2


(Solution will appear next week)

Back to regular service next week with a new Stickler Weekly

The Stickler

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2 Responses to The Stickler Alphanumeric Jigsaw 2

  1. Greg Murray says:

    David I like these different types now and again. Took me a day and a half to finish it but I got there. Regards Greg.

  2. Mark Taylor says:

    Just finished AJ2. Got a bit stuck on the “3” clue but finally got it. Thanks for the fun David. Regards, Mark.