The Stickler Breaking…Bread

Those of you who used to read my weekly blurbs may know that I regularly bake sourdough. My sourdough starter is almost 10 years old – that’s 10 years of nursing, feeding and developing a culture that now produces superb bread on a weekly basis. Recently a friend who owns a B&B asked me to bring my starter with me on a planned visit so she could learn and add sourdough to her B&B experience. No problem – I’ve taken many individuals through the process before, normally locals so they can come and go as the process can take a few days. Her request changed to her and a couple of friends, and then morphed into a day-class with paying participants. The result is that I may have sliced off more than I can chew. I need to develop an entire course with supporting documentation and work out a way to compress a very long process into a long afternoon. I’ve got 10 years worth of experience, tips and tricks and all of it is currently in my head.

So the half-written Stickler Weekly 241 has been put on hold while I prepare for this sourdough course.

Sorry for this void – the Stickler Weekly will return in a forthnight.


The Stickler

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5 Responses to The Stickler Breaking…Bread

  1. Richard Sternes says:

    For me – No. 96 (for those of a certain Age!!!) – Sept. 16 2015
    Then probably 97.

  2. Arthur Maynard says:

    I love Sourdough. Years ago I on trips from Warwick to Caboolture I diverted for miles in Brisbane to get some. Now I begrudge paying a couple of dollars extra for the pleasure. Go figure. My wife is breaking me out of the habit, because she is developing the taste.
    Only about a week ago I was thinking about your blog on sourdough, so serendipity. I fear I am too old to start learning to make it, and it would not be good for the waistline if I did.
    I look forward to next week and a new stickler, and hope the sourdough course goes well.

  3. Sue martin says:

    All the best with that. You can include me on your next sourdough course – I was introduced to the genuine article in Nevada in the ’70s, and was given a starter pack to take home. Sadly, life got in the way and I only made a few batches before it was forgotten. Now I’m retired I’d love to start making it again.