I had a number of people ask me about clues from The Stickler Weekly 12, namely 4-down, “One who’s keen to take a break? (6)”, and 11-down, “Handy communicator? (6)”. They quite rightly pointed out that this type of clue doesn’t appear very often in Stickler puzzles, and there’s good reason for that. These are cryptic definition clues, that is, clues that are definition only and have no wordplay. A cryptic definition’s very nature means the solver is unlikely to work out the solution until all or most of the cross-letters are in place, as there’s no wordplay to provide a second pathway, and the solver isn’t told what type of clue it is. If they knew it was a cryptic definition, they may have a chance to work it out. Even then, the solver NEEDS cross-letters to confirm.
So why is this less-than-whole cryptic clue used in cryptics at all? I believe their inclusion is largely historical, as puns were originally introduced to add spice to everyday clues in early crosswords. These puns were added to other different clue types to eventually form cryptic crosswords – they have always been part of a cryptic crossword setter’s arsenal, except in the US, where “quick” crosswords dominate and puns continue to be used to mix up the cluing. In fact, publishers of US cryptics generally don’t allow cryptic definitions as they believe single definition clues have no place in cryptic crosswords – they belong in everyday puzzles. This a view that I tend to share, so only the odd one may pop up – that is, I don’t actively look to write cryptic definitions.
Why that is, I’ll leave for another time.
(Answers: 4-down SURFIE, 11-down SIGNER)
Across | Answers and Clues | Explanations |
Fragmented pieces of a bomb site could cause confusion (14) | Anagram of A BOMB SITE COULD | |
8 | OVERS | |
Lots of deliveries transporters started late in the piece (5) | (m)OVERS | |
A most vital area reviewed alert checked by worker? (9) | Anagram of ALERT inside HAND | |
11 | SPELLING | |
Relieving English teacher’s subject, perhaps (8) | Double Definition | |
12 | BUSKIN | |
Perform on the street in old footwear (6) | BUSK + IN | |
14 | NOT A PEEP | |
No noise on backing tape and record (3,1,4) | ON reversed + TAPE + EP | |
15 | PRIM | |
Formal right, one adopted by head of Government (4) | (R + I) inside PM | |
18 | EMMY | |
Moneyman giving up on an animated TV award (4) | Anagram of MONEYMAN minus (ON AN) | |
20 | ASPIRANT | |
Hopeful one raced in a light fall of rain (8) | RAN inside (A + SPIT) | |
24 | RUBBLE | |
Two billion collected by government remains (6) | BB inside RULE | |
25 | SPOT FIRE | |
Small burner cooked fries in pot? Just the opposite! (4,4) | POT inside anagram of FRIES | |
27 | POTENTATE | |
Powerful ruler and chief recalled a tenet wrongly (9) | TOP reversed + anagram of A TENET | |
28 | NADIR | |
Bout of depression, a dire low point? (5) | depressioN, A DIRe | |
Punishment applied to sinners in British capital (6,8) | Anagram of TO SINNERS inside PENCE | |
Down | Answers and Clues | Explanations |
1 | DROPSY | |
Medical practitioner before operation, say, ignoring a fluid build-up (6) | DR + OP + S(a)Y | |
2 | SHEBEEN | |
Queen, for instance, associated with opening of nice tavern that’s cheap? (7) | SHE-BEE + (N)ice | |
3 | OBSOLETE | |
Antiquated honour plugged by individual with lead part in Tosca (8) | OBE outside [SOLE +(T)osca] | |
Boundary marker that man fixed up in secure place (6,4) | (HE reversed inside BIND) + POST | |
5 | BRAN | |
Health food, Uncle Tobys say, reduced by 20% (4) | BRAN(d) | |
6 | LITMUS | |
Large number of stimuli contaminated chemical indicator (6) | Anagram of (STIMUL)i | |
7 | TRACKER | |
One can follow sewer, perhaps, crossing river (7) | TACKER outside R | |
10 | DYNAMO | |
Forceful person upset quite a few in function (6) | MANY reversed inside DO | |
Global division is cutting cannabis at this stage (10) | IS inside HEMP + HERE | |
16 | BEER-UP | |
Be straight over for drinking party (4-2) | BE + (PURE reversed) | |
17 | MARTINET | |
Stickler’s point accepted in trading centre (8) | TINE inside MART | |
19 | MOBSTER | |
Gang member regrets bombs going up to some extent (7) | regRETS BOMbs reversed | |
21 | TRIED ON | |
Disorganised editor not initially tested for suitability (5,2) | Anagram of EDITOR + (N)ot | |
22 | BLENDS | |
Compounds left in moulds (6) | L inside BENDS | |
23 | DECREE | |
Contract that is not binding as a rule (6) | DECREASE minus AS | |
26 | EARN | |
Get sensor fitted to pole (4) | EAR + N |