The Stickler Weekly 246 Clue Hints

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The structure of the answer involves either letters placed outside other letters, or letters placed inside other letters. Which type of container clue is determined by an appropriate container indicator.
The structure of the answer involves either letters placed outside other letters, or letters placed inside other letters. Which type of container clue is determined by an appropriate container indicator.
The answer is a jumbling of letters except for the initial or final letter of the anagram fodder. An anagram indicator and truncation indicator will be present.
Either a mixture of letters is placed inside or outside other letters, or letters are placed inside or outside a mixture of letters. An anagram indicator and containment indicator will be present.
A word or series of words that signify a mixing-up of letters.

Examples: changed, at sea, confused, all over the place - anything that indicates change or jumbling.

A pointer that signifies the placing of one or more parts of a clue (or their equivalents) around the OUTSIDE of one or more parts of a clue (or their equivalents).

Examples: holding, keeping, embracing - anything that creates the image of containment.

A type of clue that involves the mixing up of letters without the inclusion of a letter or letters. This clue will have an anagram indicator to signify jumbling and a subtraction indicator to signify the removal of a letter or letters.

A removed letter may be as seen in the clue, an abbreviation for a word in the clue, or the result of another cryptic device like taking the initial letter from a word. Removed letters may be a whole word as seen in a clue, the synonym of a word in the clue (if that synonym is contiguous within the anagram fodder), or the result of another cryptic device like taking the middle two letters from a word.

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22 Responses to The Stickler Weekly 246 Clue Hints

  1. Wendy Simpson says:

    Haven’t got very far, but already enjoyed 10a and 26a.

  2. Need help on 18a and 22a

  3. Joy Whalley says:

    Hi Michael
    In 18a “extended bracket” is what you’re after.
    In 22a think TV show.
    Hope this helps. Good luck

  4. Patrick Lewis says:

    Quite a workout for thesaurus and google, eg, 5d, 8d, 15d and 24a – all previously unknown words or usage, but chuffed to have resisted the temptations of checking the hints and solver. Today’s great favourite was 17d – a wonderful clue! I thought 3d and 28a were clever too.

  5. Richard Sternes says:

    Loose ends a-plenty & obviously definitions are eluding me
    1a – & the animal could be???
    13a – does defeat = “wreck” – & lead = “sprint”???
    27a – nothing is working here
    28a – answer is clear, but why???
    5d – what’s with “jade”???
    6d – no idea
    17d – ditto
    Some real Gems elsewhere, too numerous to mention

  6. Arthur Maynard says:

    After last week’s early success, I have taken a fall.
    27a has me totally lost. I understood the definition. But the hints above don’t help. Maybe my 18d is wrong. I have a word which fits with hard showing as h.
    5d and 13a I am not happy with my options.

    1a the animal could be domestic, but in some countries it is large and wild.
    13a That is what I have chosen, but am unhappy. Not far enough through to test my solutions on line.
    27a Drop the apostrophe and plural. From there it is a simple charade.
    28a Sporting is a verb. Seldom heard these days, but you should be familiar with it.
    5d I think I am n your wavelength here. Thesaurus and google are not helping
    17d the definition is at the end, and is quite clever.
    6d Dig into your memory. What did people call you when your opinions or dress was not keeping up with fashion? I seldom hear it these days – it would show your age. It is only a little bit this. 14a will help with the last three letters. The sport is played indoors and is very energetic.
    It is only day 2, and there is a full week to go, so I will just keep plugging away.

  7. Patrick Lewis says:

    Hi Richard and Arthur,
    1a – bit soon to let it out of the bag, maybe!
    13a – yup
    27a – second to try, then happiness! I had ‘s(t)eed’ for 25d which prevented a solve for a long time before correcting it.
    28a – yes, sporting membereD might have seemed better unless I’m missing something.
    5d – obscure google reference to jade as a kind of old working horse = ‘cut’
    6d – need a queue to be second in the sport, it’s said!
    17d – two-timing in what kind of union?
    Hope that helps, and not tooo much.

    • Patrick Lewis says:

      28a – thanks for ‘sporting’ member/s, Arthur. Got it now.

      • Patrick Lewis says:

        25d – I wondered if it shouldn’t be ‘not running fourth’, but of course, s is for second.

        • Richard Sternes says:

          Thank You too Patrick.
          More grist for the Mill.

          • Richard Sternes says:

            All done. Whew!!! …Real challenge this one with several never before encountered, new words.
            Thank You David
            6d – took some digging –
            joint “Pick of the Week” with 17d.
            Content with The Rest.
            Many Thanks Guys,
            for the Tips that got me over the line.

    • Arthur Maynard says:

      5d – I found the reference thanks. It was in Miriam websrter, so is probably elsewhere. When I am tired or feeling worn out I would describe myself as jaded. It seems horses also feel this way, which led to them being given this appellation.

  8. Arthur Maynard says:

    22a The penny finally dropped with a clang. I had a licence for this activity many years ago, so wonder how I missed it.
    I am not sure where hardware fits into it, but the solution works for me.
    Will try all my solutions in the on line grid later as tempus has fugited and there are chores to be done.

  9. Arthur Maynard says:

    Back again and I got the all clear.
    I had trouble parsing 13a, until I realised that I lead a group which meets for coffee and cryptics each week. Beauty.
    As others said lots of really good clues this week. Several obscure or dated words/definitions.
    8d and 24a were new words for me.
    5d, 28a, 13a provided a great challenge to work with the language.
    Had to resort to clue hints for 4 clues, and had a dictionary on hand throughout he first sitting.
    Thanks again for this challenging puzzle

  10. Greg Mansell says:

    Ditto to all of the praise above. Plenty of highlights once again:
    22a: Last in – I couldn’t get past “series” for regular show. Nice definition.
    26a: One for Richard
    28a: “baby carrier”, and a great definition
    1d: “quiet, say”
    3d: Nice definition
    5d: A new definition of “jade” for me
    8d: New for me
    17d: Second-last in. Great definition, which Mrs Mansell worked out as soon as she looked at it. If not for her, I’d probably still be agonising over 17d and 22a.
    20d: “talked to a higher authority”, and a nice definition

  11. Wendy Simpson says:

    8d was a new word for me, and couple of others that I haven’t heard in ages.

  12. Christine Hulley says:

    Another mental work out! Some good clues there.