Across | Answers and Clues | Explanations |
1 | SIGNAL | |
Communicate with head of Ladbrokes chasing ill-gotten gains (6) | (L)ADBROKES after anagram of GAINS | |
4 | ENTITLED | |
Privileged one, occupying tent in disguise, went first (8) | I inside anagram of TENT + LED | |
9 | LAUNDER | |
Left a junior to deal with pressing matters, say (7) | L + A + UNDER | |
11 | TWEETER | |
Watts handled by rock speaker (7) | W inside TEETER | |
Cheat entering customer ID reset computer component (13) | CON inside anagram of CUSTOMER ID | |
14 | IN TRIM | |
Fit caretaker lacking energy (2,4) | INTERIM minus E | |
15 | STICKLER | |
Setter’s primary puzzle? (8) | (S)ETTER + TICKLER | |
18 | CODE-NAME | |
Show up outside hide-out with a secret identity (4-4) | COME outside (DEN + A) | |
20 | FLOCKS | |
Fine hair gathers (6) | F + LOCKS | |
A deposit roughly associated with supply? (7,6) | Anagram of A DEPOSIT + ISSUE | |
26 | HARVEST | |
Owners checking right time to pick (7) | HAVES outside R + T | |
27 | PEASANT | |
Countryman left out of welcome (7) | PLEASANT minus L | |
28 | CAMISOLE | |
Am I only after one piece of celebrity’s underwear? (8) | (AM + I + SOLE) after (C)ELEBRITY | |
29 | TEASER | |
Problem with facility in centre of Montreal (6) | EASE inside MON(TR)EAL | |
Down | Answers and Clues | Explanations |
This place rocked after Sting’s opening line (5,5) | Anagram of THIS PLACE after (S)TING | |
2 | GOURMET | |
Large serving of pumpkin, say, satisfied connoisseur (7) | (GOUR)D + MET | |
Carrying off empty bed offered in sale? (9) | B(e)D inside AUCTION | |
5 | NOT QUITE | |
Retire in possession of money? Hardly (3,5) | QUIT inside NOTE | |
6 | INERT | |
A section sliced from infected retina is unresponsive (5) | Anagram of (RETINA minus A) | |
7 | LATERAL | |
Side is after a front-runner from Liverpool? (7) | LATER + A + (L)IVERPOOL | |
8 | DARK | |
Section of radar kept unlit (4) | raDAR Kept | |
10 | RUNG | |
Supervise building’s last step (4) | RUN + BUILDIN(G) | |
Miner, say, supporting parking in a designated area (10) | PRO + (P inside SECTOR) | |
16 | CULTIVATE | |
Radical group that is taking tank to work (9) | (CULT + IE) outside VAT | |
17 | IMMORTAL | |
Unforgettable time spent in base (8) | T inside IMMORAL | |
19 | DIAGRAM | |
Location of the Taj Mahal seen in ill-defined illustration (7) | AGRA inside DIM | |
21 | CO-STARS | |
Leads are not totally included in expenses (2-5) | (AR)E inside COSTS | |
22 | HEMP | |
Fibre that makes rope’s edging soft (4) | HEM + P | |
24 | IDEAS | |
Nut products from capital of Alexandria in Roman times? (5) | (A)LEXANDRIA inside IDES | |
25 | CHIC | |
Smart cards have integrated circuits primarily (4) | (C)ARDS (H)AVE + (I)NTEGRATED + (C)IRCUITS |
Well, no wonder I was not entirely happy with CULMINATE at 16d.