There are a number of rules of thumb regarding the structure of a cryptic clue that new solvers are taught to give them a good starting point. One is that most clues have two parts: definition and wordplay, with the definition at the beginning or end, and what’s left over is the wordplay. Another is that the definition is effectively the same as that used in a straight crossword, and therefore effort needs to be put in to identify it. Another common one, related to how a clue is read, is that punctuation in general can be ignored. Such a “rule” is a dangerous one as punctuation may indeed have a purpose and not all punctuation is equal in this context. For instance, it’s one thing to ignore a comma that may break up the reading of a clue, but another thing entirely to ignore a possessive apostrophe or a hyphen that defines a term as an adjective. Remember, this rule is an “in general” one and is meant to help solvers process clues, removing an artificial barrier introduced by punctuation that determines how clues are read, but doesn’t actually interfere with the content of the clues.
Across | Answers and Clues | Explanations |
Vegetable available with any mixed drink (10) | CHARD + ON + anagram of ANY | |
6 | STOP | |
Knock off screw-top with no hands (4) | SCREWTOP minus CREW | |
10 | REPOSES | |
Returning group from base, so pernicious, lies (7) | baSE SO PERnicious reversed | |
11 | GOOD ONE | |
Sentimentality, right, that’s nice (4,3) | GOO + DONE | |
12 | FRIAR | |
Man connected with order arranged airfare marginally reduced (5) | Anagram of A)IRFAR(E | |
13 | CLEARINGS | |
Pockets of vacant land are not normally enclosed by sticks (9) | Anagram of ARE inside CLINGS | |
14 | LANDMINE | |
Explosive as well as men at the front, moved into defensive position (8) | [AND + (M)EN] inside LINE | |
15 | ASCEND | |
Climb, for instance, face of cliff with wind up (6) | AS + (C)LIFF + END | |
18 | FRESNO | |
Californian town is mostly new, no? (6) | (FRES)H + NO | |
19 | RECORDER | |
Sort probed by city’s head historian (8) | REORDER outside (C)ITY | |
22 | AUDITIONS | |
Testing performances organised in a studio (9) | Anagram of IN A STUDIO | |
24 | DARTS | |
Group engaged in weapons trading brought back missiles (5) | weaponS TRADing reversed | |
25 | TABARET | |
Fashion lace on edges of plain material (7) | TAT outside BARE | |
26 | BONFIRE | |
Woven fibre used to smother concerning blaze (7) | Anagram of FIBRE outside ON | |
27 | RATS | |
Major recalled deserters (4) | STAR reversed | |
28 | SEVEN SAGES | |
Wise old Greeks balanced on board a long time (5,5) | (EVEN inside SS) + AGES | |
Down | Answers and Clues | Explanations |
1 | CAREFUL | |
Thrifty vehicle recycled fuel (7) | CAR + anagram of FUEL | |
A soft pencil, a coloured implement (9) | A + P + anagram of PENCIL A | |
Partial ID retired criminal revealed briefly in report (14) | ID reversed + [[CRIMINA)L in STORY] | |
4 | NOSE-CONE | |
Unimportant person brought around second part of missile (4-4) | NOONE outside SEC | |
5 | ANGLER | |
Approach river person hoping to catch fish (6) | ANGLE + R | |
7 | THORN | |
Unsure about hospital’s source of irritation (5) | TORN outside H | |
8 | PRESSED | |
Reckless speeders, losing time, ultimately could be in a hurry (7) | Anagram of SPEEDERS minus TIM(E) | |
Journalists mistreated Dr Spooner residing in capital (14) | Anagram of DR SPOONER inside CENTS | |
16 | ENDORSING | |
Stop or do a vocal performance with backing (9) | END + OR + SING | |
17 | FEASIBLE | |
Likely service charge entered by lab is reviewed? (8) | FEE outside (anagram of LAB IS) | |
18 | FLATTER | |
Fine coffee maker’s back to dispense sugar (7) | F + LATTE + MAKE(R) | |
20 | RUSHERS | |
Country’s announced those likely to race (7) | Sounds like RUSSIA’S | |
21 | BOTTLE | |
Container’s temperature doubled in trunk (6) | (T + T) inside BOLE | |
23 | DEBIT | |
Take money away from newcomer joining IT (5) | DEB + IT |