The Stickler Weekly Delayed One Week

I’ve decided to restructure my website slightly, separating the weekly solution from the crossword spiel that has accompanied it from day one. I’m going right back to the beginning. It’s taken me a while to realise that the crossword spiel is largely overlooked by solvers, especially those who have completed the crossword without a problem and don’t need to check the solution. There are probably solvers and visitors out there that aren’t aware the crossword spiel exists at all, and, because it takes a lot of effort to come up with something new every week, I want as much exposure as possible. This separation also allows me flag particular crossword topics for inclusion on social media platforms and in other blogs, that is, as a standalone piece of work, it has more sharing appeal. I’m hoping this will increase the traffic to my website, and get The Stickler Weekly more well known. Another plus is that I can categorise my crossword posts so that people can find posts that particularly interest them. So, when this work is complete, the crossword spiel will appear as a separate post and will have keywords attached so people can find all posts on a particular topic.
This is a lot of work (185 posts need to be dissected, categorised and reposted), that needs continuity, so The Stickler Weekly is taking a one week break so I can complete a big chunk of this work.
I want to thank all those who’ve contributed so far this year, both financially and on the website – your efforts have been most encouraging.


The Stickler

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16 Responses to The Stickler Weekly Delayed One Week

  1. Richard Sternes says:

    I’ve learned how to keep myself occupied come events such as this David.
    Anyone else interested, I’m revisiting No.41 of July 7, 2014.

    • Arthur Maynard says:

      I’ll keep you company, and we can chat here.

      That is a long time ago, so it will be like starting afresh,

  2. Wendy Simpson says:

    Ok, I’ll join you

    • Arthur Maynard says:

      I’ve been away from the computer most of the day (withdrawal symptoms to the forefront) so wondered ho wyou were getting on. Richard seems to have sorted most of the issues.

  3. Richard Sternes says:

    Nearly done but stuck in NE corner – several distractions today.
    No doubting, David has raised the bar over these years
    but we’ve all kept right on with him, learning as we go.

  4. Richard Sternes says:

    My view – not so challenging as more recent offerings from David.
    Resisting answers to this. Any further thoughts anyone on 16a, 7d & therefore 13a.
    It was like starting all over Arthur. Haven’t worked up List of Favourites yet.

  5. Arthur Maynard says:

    I am surprised at how this one fell into place. There are a couple of quirky ones so here we go.
    13a I was hung up in the supermarket section. I do not think of them there but they have lots. I know there “is” at least one in most in gothic buildings.
    16a. I did this when I realised what the word is. This how they depict drug taking in many movies. You might also think of pigs. I gave this a WOW factor.
    7d A good charade including slang. The Marijuana is a bit of sleight of hand, in keeping with the minor drug theme.
    8d. I liked the construction, but have few occasions to use the word.
    15a Droll. seeing out indeed!
    11d construction is impressive.
    24a gets my gold award. I could not parse the word. Got stuck on forward “pass” (State of origin fever)., until the penny dropped and the game was won.

  6. Richard Sternes says:

    Liked all of the above Arthur.
    Had 13a not sure why, thought more broadly, there it was. 7d quite a treat.
    Still pondering 16a.
    Also added 1a, 12a, 20a & 26a, mostly for the Alphabet Soups.
    1d – too cute, ditto 3d, 8d gets my Gold medal & 11d – as you said.

    • Richard Sternes says:

      & suddenly there’s 16a, quasi supermarket sorting thing as well, going on there
      in addition to pork in the Meat Dept. Agree Arthur, definite WOW factor.

  7. Richard Sternes says:

    There you go David.
    I used to despair if I missed my Weekly Fix (there’s that drug analogy again).
    Seems we have found the antidote to despair!!!

  8. Arthur Maynard says:

    I remain a little unhappy about 1d. As a noun it is a flower. For me, mounted needs an up after the word as in he mounted the stairs. Then again I was always happy to see my bank balance mounting.

    • David Stickley says:

      He’s an example of where I believe “mounted” and the answer match exactly:
      “excitement mounted as the big day drew near”


      • Arthur Maynard says:

        Thanks David. Just have to think a bit harder.

        • Arthur Maynard says:

          Overnight I pondered this. The up I use is redundant. There is only one direction you can go when you mount and that is up. The same is true for the definition. So I stand corrected, and now must adjust my old habit

  9. Richard Sternes says:

    & there you Go folks. Yet another four letter conundrum……….!!!

  10. Richard Sternes says:

    Just checked Clue Hints – 1d IS Classic double definition.