The Stickler Weekly – Help Wanted

The Stickler Weekly is approaching a milestone of 3 years operation and 150 puzzles. I’d love to report that patronage is steadily increasing and that contributions come in a steady stream – but I can’t. I’m not planning to stop any time soon, but I would like you all to consider giving something, not to me this time, but to a worthy cause. I’ll be walking with my wife and extended family on the Seven Bridges Walk in Sydney on October 30, raising money for the Cancer Council. My dad died from cancer 20 years ago and I have a close friend my age going through intensive treatment right now, so this cause is important to me.

To support me and my team please go here:

Many thanks.

The Stickler

(PS If you are a regular visitor to this blog, this post may also appear in an email)

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